Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mentor, Or, Why Modernist Designers Are Superior


“Here are some things I was not allowed to do as I began my first job:

- Use any typeface other than Helvetica, Century, Times, Futura, Garamond No. 3, or Bodoni.
- Use more than two typefaces on any project.
- Use more than three sizes of typefaces on any project.
- Begin any layout without a modular grid in place, including a letterhead or a business card.
- Make visual references to any examples of historic graphic design predating Josef Muller-Brockmann or Armin Hoffman. 
- Incorporate any graphic devices that could not be defended on the basis of pure function.”

Michael Bierut in The Design Observer. 

The first of what I expect will be a long line of parodies of the Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

— From SF. 

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mentor, Or, Why Modernist Designers Are Superior

